Wednesday 16 November 2016

Moving bits around again

I am ready to be done with this now, though I'm not sure why I suddenly feel like this.  Anyway, it has pushed to me work hard and though I didn't quite get where I wanted this morning, I have made good progress.  I would say this row across the bottom is 75% done now. Most of it is actually sewn together, and I just need to settle on what I want to do in the left hand corner.  The chunk with the blue and white triangles was originally next to the completed piece, then I tried it right next to the edge, and right now, as you see it's somewhere in between.  Looking at this photo I am wondering about dropping it down and adding something above it, or maybe replacing the blue and white with blue and red triangles.  Something to think about anyhow.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think it is interesting that I can have a sudden shift in attitude about a project as well.

Marly said...

Good luck with the thinking! You're the only one who can do that, and whatever you decide must be RIGHT! (I think the triangles look good where they are; you've got other little groups of embedded triangles, so they follow the design).

JanineMarie said...

I like where the blue/white triangles are. Maybe add some of the red/blue ones off center at the bottom of that chunk? But then you'd have to move that white X somewhere... oh, I don't know why I'm trying to arrange.. You are so much better at it than I. 🙂

Rachel said...

Rah rah! You can do it! ;P It's quite annoying when I am ready to be done with a project before it's ready to be done. Good luck! I like the idea of dropping the white triangles down so no set of white triangles is on the same level as another. I'm sure it will look good wherever you decide though!

Mystic Quilter said...

Almost there then Kaja. What is the size now?

Monica said...

It's so exciting that it's nearing completion! It will be great to see the full effect.

My thought on that wayward patch is to take out the white flag -- too many white bits together there. I like the triangles more!

Quiltdivajulie said...

SUCH a great quilt top in the making -- totally understand what you mean about ready to be done with a project!

apiecefullife said...

This is looking so so good!