Sunday, 16 October 2016

Slow catching up

In the pause between finish off one quilt and starting work on quilting the next I wanted to get my 365 circles up to date.  That's a bigger job than I like to think. I have a few circles done bar the embroidery.

That doesn't look too bad, does it?  But now look - all these others are much further from being done.

On the bright side, once I've tackled these I will be up-to-date.  But I have to admit I also caved in and started quilting, so it might take longer than you would think!

Linking up with Kathy today for Slow Sunday Stitching.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wow, that is one ambitious project! Visiting from Slow Sunday Stitching.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, the hand quilting you started looks fantastic. And every stitch counts, regardless of where you make it. :)

The Cozy Quilter said...

Beautiful hand quilting!

Sarah said...

That hand quilting is gorgeous!

Janie said...

I agree with Cozy Quilter, beautiful hand quilting.

Shelina said...

As long as you are moving projects forward, it's all good. The hand quilting looks fantastic.

Mary Marcotte said...

I love your quilting. It's always so interesting and just a little unexpected. In this case, the angular lines work beautifully with the circles. It looks like a lot to do but you're so steady with the hand work that a few days just jumps everything forward. And you'll be all caught up again. Have a great week of stitching!

Mystic Quilter said...

The colours in the piece you're quilting on are beautiful, as is your hand quilting!

liniecat said...

What a great way to quilt the circles and backing blocks : )

Nifty Quilts said...

Your quilting is exquisite. Enjoy those circles!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

The quilting is great . How far ahead do you think it out ? Or does it just evolve too ?

Robin said...

I love the way the quilting looks. What size thread are you using?

JanineMarie said...

Such beautiful thread! Is it variegated or are you using different colors?

Quilter Kathy said...

Yum yum yum... that texture is just delicious!

Monica said...

Your quilting is beautiful on this, Kaja. So even! I am all envy. :D

Rachel said...

I like the sneak peak of quilting! It is so hard to resist hand stitching when it's sitting right there. :) Looks great!