Wednesday 19 October 2016

Another gap filled

Slow but steady progress here.

I've included this first photo because I have been making more cross blocks and, having set out to cut a load of random sized bits it amused me to see that I had, in fact, done a fair job of cutting them all the same.  This speaks to the idea that if you cut freehand for long enough you end up with more control than you might expect (even if that's not really what you want!)

A quick progress shot...

and another little gap filled in.

There are a few places now where I will need to add bits to make things the same size before I join them (bottom right, left hand side) but this is still in several big pieces and some of the discrepancies will go as I sew them together.  


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

What a neat reminder about muscle memory and development of skill. And seeing the space getting filled in with blocks is rather magical.

patty a. said...

Your piece is coming along nicely! I agree with your assessment about the more you cut freehand the more control you get. I do a lot of freehand rotary cutting and I find myself having to work at making my cutting lines not straight!

Kathleen C said...

For quite awhile I've wanted to say how much I like your work; it inspires me to try to work more loosely than I normally do (My patchwork is a version of Gwen Marston's liberated techniques). Your quilts are inviting and interesting;thanks for sharing your process.

Cheryl said...

so interesting to watch this all come together.

Doris Perlhuhn said...

Really interesting how it harmonizes . All these details are strong themselves but very vivid but no chaos. It needs a real artist to make it.

Doris Perlhuhn said...
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Mystic Quilter said...

Beautiful Kaja.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Ah but your freehand cutting is straight . My straight freehand cutting is like a dogs hind leg . I do know what you mean though by freehand eventually turns into similar sizes

Cut&Alter said...

Looking great Kaja. I did some freehand cutting recently and was surprised how equal they were.

Mary Marcotte said...

I find that I'm doing more freehand cutting, but then I revert back to the rotary cutter because it's fast and straight. lol I'm not sure I can ever get on this slow bandwagon. That ADD business has a tight grip on me. The bits look great, Kaja, and I find that I like the work more as it progresses. (I may have said that before though. :-)

LA Paylor said...

sort of an improv abstract NY Beauty. It's pretty amazing Kaja!

Carli The Quilter said...

You and I would get along famously if we were nieghbors!! I often do the same, fill in gaps!

This is so cool, great choice of colors!