Monday 25 July 2016

Pottering about

It's been a while since I finished piecing one quilt and quilting another at pretty much the same time, but there I am.  I am thinking that I won't rush into the next piecing project but will take a couple of weeks to mull things over.  More to the point, I could do with a little bit of time just focused on the hand quilting as I now have five tops waiting to be done.  

So my jobs for this week are to make a couple of quilt backs, to get something basted and ready to go, and to catch up on my 365 circles, which I abandoned in order to get the other jobs done.  Not every exciting, but sometimes it feels good to get this stuff sorted out.  As a result, my design wall today looks like this (backing for an as yet unblogged scrappy quilt).

It's time for AHIQ again tomorrow too, but I have a finish to share for that -I'm not planning to make you look at my quilt backs for weeks at a time.

Linking up with:


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Having the ability to take a pause to reset after a few good finishes is smart! Enjoy the recharging time and I look forward to seeing what inspires you next.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Love the skulls . So .. Which is more pressured - 5 quilts

Janie said...

Exciting colors in those fabrics.
Planning does help get projects done for sure.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Those pauses allow our brains to process so we're ready to begin again. Good luck with those backs!

AnnieO said...

Sometimes just getting the "to do" list out of one's head lets some fresh air into the brain's crevices :)