Sunday 31 July 2016


Not a lot going on here this week, except a whole shed-load of indecision.  In my own defence I have made a quilt back and gathered together what I need for two others, and have prepped all the bits to catch up with my 365 circles (I am 8 behind).  But nothing more.  

My problem, such as it is, is that I can't decide what to quilt next.  I have a scrappy top up and running, but want to alternate that with something else. Previously I have just picked up the next in the queue, which is purely a chronological decision, and got on with the job.  But...the next one should be Quiet Quilt (top left) and I'm a bit less than in love with it right now, so I'm tempted to pick something else, but that requires me to make a choice.  These are the four I have waiting and there's a good chance that this time next week I will have got no further!

So, to sum it up, less slow Sunday sewing than endless Sunday dithering.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Better pick the one that you are most fond of right now :)

Shelina said...

You can't go wrong with choosing any of these. Pick the one that is calling you the loudest, and if none of them are calling you, just grab one at random.

CathieJ said...

I'm not sure why you don't like the quiet quilt because that is the one that spoke to me first when I looked at those pictures. I also really like the bottom right. I would just go for it and move on to the next quilt as you have always done. Therefore the decision is made for you and you are at least moving forward. They are all so pretty.

Chantal said...

All those quilts are beautiful. I especially like the Lighthouse Quilt. Sometimes it is just the first step that is out of sync. I have found that just putting in a few stitches on a project makes me want to continue on it. Hope you find what works for you soon. ;^)

Quiltdivajulie said...

The quiet quilt is one of my very favorites (lighthouses ARE my #1). Perhaps no new quilting for a bit is actually the answer for right now?

Sarah said...

All such pretty quilts. I'd quilt the easiest first and then hopefully that will motivate you to do the rest!

Quilter Kathy said...

I love all of them, but I really believe that you have to enjoy the project you're working on every moment.
So why not put the quiet quilt in time out for a bit and when you see it again, you will be totally in love!
I would vote for working on the lighthouses in the summer.... stitching with lots of lake blue and sky blue threads... and gold for the light....

Stephie said...

I'm not surprised you're dithering missis, you've got so much wonderful choice! On a purely selfish note, I want to see the bright colourful circles finished up - I just love it! And at least it would get one of the circle ones done, then you'll have the lighthouses to do before you go on to the next circle one! Too many consecutive circles might get a tad tedious after the second one in a row?? By the way, did I mention those lighthouses are just awesome! Have a lovely stitchy evening :) x

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

The lighthouse . No the circles . No the lighthouse

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

... decisions... decisions! Look forward to seeing what you decide on!

Mystic Quilter said...

I do love both your quilts with the circles, the bottom left is my all time favourite and I can't wait to see this all quilted. Hope you decide before your next weekend post!

patty a. said...

Just pick one and get 'er done! I can see using some fun colors of quilting thread on the quiet one to add more interest to it. If you don't make a decision you will lose a whole week of quilting!

Kathleen said...

I'd go with the quiet quilt first. I like that one. But I also agree with Stephie's advice. And I love your phrasing: "shed-load" of indecision . . . we say it differently around here :) Your phrasing is a lot cleaner ;)

Marly said...

I hope you can make a decision soon. If the quiet quilt isn't pushing any bells at the moment just let it rest. You mustn't feel guilty because you're not following your usual routine. Be a devil! Go on; choose one of the others! The planets are calling so loudly I can hear them here, on the other side of the North Sea!

Doris Perlhuhn said...

My favorites are the two at the bottom. But take your time and hear which one is whispering to you : it´s my turn.

liniecat said...

I've always said life gives us way too many choices these days.
Endless breakfast cereal ideas.
More face creams than anyone should ever have to consider ....
Write names, numbers on paper and then rough them up together and get someone else to,pick one out!

Lisa J. said...

Yes I dither quite a bit myself.

Soma @ said...

Alternate between the circles and the lighthouse? The bottom two. They are different in style and colours.


Ruth said...

That's a great idea to make a quilt back while dithering. I've been a tad indecisive myself and could do with a 2 or 3 quilt backs to finish some stuff off.

Mary Marcotte said...

If that's dithering, then I must be at a dead stop! Either way, I do dither quite more than I should. The summer is over and I'll start school on Monday and can't say that I've done much of anything. You, on the other hand, have been steadily working on several projects and they all look fabulous. It must be difficult to decide which one to finish up first.