Sunday 24 April 2016

Speeding up a bit

I always do this when an end is in sight...start trying to sneak in more time for the quilting.  Build Me a Wall is, if not nearly done, definitely heading in the right direction.  I laid it out on the floor so you can see the bits round the edges still to do.

Of course these things always take twice as long as you think they should and I don't need to hurry, but still...obsessive?  Me?


SandraC said...

I love it! I know what you mean by making more time when the end is in sight!

The Crafty Creek said...

Lovely design and colours

Janie said...

Nice mix, pleasant to look at.
I get obsessive too.

Béa said...

Very very beautiful .

Marly said...

Wow this is beautiful; the little pieces of bright colour make it dynamic. I love it!

Monica said...

I really love this one, it is SO pretty with all the greens and golds. And plenty of grey, I see, but it doesn't "feel" grey. Good lesson for me! Onwards!

Stephie said...

The rhythm you've got going in this one is fab - those little reverse appliqué blocks almost float across the surface. You're definitely going to get this finished before I get my Summer Blues done and I thought I was getting obsessive, haha! Ran out of thread though!

Cathy said...

This one really appeals to me. I want to build a wall some day like the walls I saw in Ireland when I went to visit - with lots of plants in the cracks and crevices.

Lara B. said...

It looks even more artistic with the quilting added Kaja. Such wonderful texture it adds!

Carli The Quilter said...

Things always take twice as long as you think. Beautiful progress!