Friday, 22 April 2016

A finished jacket

I kept changing my mind about how much to add to this, but have decided enough is enough, so it's done for now.  The idea is that more patches will be added, but this will be as and when repairs are needed.

Linking up with Whoop Whoop Friday over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and TGIFF, hosted this week by my friend Mary at Fleur de Lis Quilts


Monica said...

Congratulations, Kaja, it turned out really well! I hope you will smile every time you wear it. :D

Mystic Quilter said...

Love this! Wonder how many patches on there in a few years time.

Lara B. said...

You are going to love that jacket for a long time Kaja!

Libby in TN said...


Mary Marcotte said...

Hey, Kaja! Thanks for the shout out and for linking up to TGIFF!
I love, love, love the jacket! The asymmetrical embellishments are interesting, especially your use of the light and dark blues. I think you've added hand-stitching since I saw it last and, as always, I'm impressed with your stitching. Great job my friend!

Ann said...

So many delights in this jacket. The flat fell seams from the original jeans, the bright green lining, the different shades of denim, your hand stitching. What a treat for years to come. Congratulations on a beautiful finish.

liniecat said...

Such a personal and creative way to adapt the life of a jacket. Perfect Boro!

Cut&Alter said...

Just love it!!! Also the idea of adding patches as and when required is wonderful!

Stephie said...

The colour of the lining is gorgeous and I love the darning - I really enjoy stitching it too. Have you worn it yet? I'd love to see it on! It looks very warm too - blooming freezing here so feel free to send it my way! Honestly, I'm so fed up with wearing stuff that looks like everyone else wandering around - it's great to make your own clothes. I can't remember when my wardrobe became so boring, but I'm determined to change that and make a lot more of my own stuff. You've inspired me to get going again :)

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness! I just love, love, love it! I'll bet you have fun wearing it around to show it off. I'll bet this is the kind of jacket one of my granddaughters would love. I may have to get the old blue jeans out of the attic now. Congrats to you on your finish.

Carli The Quilter said...
