Friday 16 October 2015

Quiet quilt, slowly growing

Encouraged by the response to circle no. 1, I have made circles no.2 and 3.  I tried swapping the segments round this time, so one quarter of each doesn't belong with its fellows.  I'm not sure I'd bother doing it again: I don't mind it, but don't like it any better than the original version.  Having said which it's nice to have a bit of variety.  I've stuck them up on the wall with the 9 patches and, for me, now, this starts to look like something.

Looking at this post I've just realised: one more and I can make a big 9 patch out of my little ones. That's an idea that pleases me.


VivJM said...

I am really liking how this is progressing, The stripes are definitely looking more integrated now they are included elsewhere. Lovely work!

Julie Bagamary said...

Interesting piece!!

Lisa J. said...

This looks awesome. I love the combination of squares an circles. It has an organic look to it. I like the mainly soft colours that you've used and the stripes and gold fabrics that take it up a notch.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh very nice! And good to know that switching out a quarter of the circle doesn't have a big visual or design impact for you.

Elaine Millar said...

Love this...the patterning and the colorway

Janie said...

Fun piecing adventure.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Nothing like experimenting! You seem to be enjoying the process.

JanineMarie said...

Just curious: approximately how big are your nine-patches?

Sue said...

Yes, the repetition helps me see it better. I agree about switching up the quadrants, it doesn't make that much diff. It will be interesting to see how it develops further.

Mary Marcotte said...

Oh, this is definitely coming together beautifully! The repetition is definitely working and I can't wait to see the next few steps. How you come up with these ideas really fascinates me. You have such a good sense of color and design and handle improv like it's an organic, natural way of working. I wish you'd come to a Houston show and teach a class for quilters who struggle with improv (like me).

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

It's coming on really well , I love the circles within squares

Quiltdivajulie said...

Very pleasing!!!

Stephie said...

Yes! Really excited by this - and you're making me want to go and do some piecing.... damn quilting takes so long, aaargh! AAAAND.... have you now got a design wall and stopped using the floor?!?!? (I'm a tad envious if you have!)

Doris Perlhuhn said...

Like how these colors hold it together. Beautiful.