Sunday, 11 October 2015

Stitching an interior landscape

Now, that may just be the most pretentious post title of all time, in which case I should apologise, but honestly? that's just what it has felt like this week.  I have started to think of this denim as a sort of map, a landscape that has evolved as I have stitched.  I have to thank some of you for helping me make this connection - all those who looked at my little circles and saw the blood moon really started something off!  

As a result I have been thinking as I sew about the connection between stitching and ritual and about the themes that preoccupy me.  This is definitely something I am growing into:  if you had asked me a year or two ago I would have said it was all about pretty, "shiny" stuff, quilting as an excuse for fabric, but now I feel more comfortable identifying for myself some of the internal stuff that goes on as well.  

There may be a couple of posts in this at some point, but for this week I have contented myself with taking some photos that please me, looking at the denim like a landscape or map.


The Cozy Quilter said...

A map of your life, perhaps??? Have fun stitching.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

It reminds me of seeing farm land from an airplane! It always makes me smile when I fly and see small and large fields and so glad there is still a lot of wide open spaces.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

OK now I see farmland too after reading Carla's comment! :)

Quilter Kathy said...

So much to reflect on while stitching! I love how the thoughts can meander, just like the stitches do :)
Thanks for linking up and contributing to a wonderful Slow Sunday Stitching!

Ann said...

Once someone commented on the blood moon I saw it, too. Unfortunately I still see most of my quilts as fun fabrics. Next year!

VivJM said...

Stitching is never just stitching, there's always a part of our soul in there, I think! I love how this is developing.

Stephie said...

I love the way the light falls on the denim in these photos Kaja - that says something about you too I think :)

Tonya Ricucci said...

really gorgeous

Soma @ said...

It's not a pretentious post title at all, Kaja! My works definitely reflect my thoughts and feelings. The photos of you denim landscape are beautiful.


Ruth said...

I do see what you mean with the snippets of print fabrics and the stitching like fields. Looks like a sunset to me.