Monday 13 July 2015

Of binding and little bits

As the end of quilting approaches my thoughts turn to binding - which, as I have mentioned before, has never been my favourite part of quilt making.  I don't mind sewing it on; it's the making of it I'm not so keen on.  So today I grasped the nettle and got on with it.  I realise it doesn't take me that long any more - certainly not as long as the first time I made it, when I kept forgetting which bit went where and I ended up with diagonal seams pointing in every possible direction.  This lot went together in no time at all and now I have a nice neat bundle ready to go.  Maybe I don't mind it so much after all.

Once the chores were done I got on with my wall.  I'm still at the making little blocks stage (though I promise not to keep posting them for much longer) and at the moment am trying to focus on building up my pile of squares edged with the blue fabrics .

Every time I've made a few I let myself have a play around: I don't want to make more than I need.  This time my playing looked like this:

Looking at this made me think about the little gaps that carrying on in this direction will leave me with (see the bit just below the square on the far right?) I could just add in more strips of my outer fabrics but am wondering about something like this.

This looks pretty huge here, but in fact is made with tiny little scraps.  Hmm.

As usual I'm linking up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday


Ramona said...

Your binding fabric is lovely! Binding is one of my favorite things to do. Isn't it neat how we all like/dislike the various aspects of quilting? My least favorite aspect.... making the backing. Your blocks are so fun! I think those little bits would look great in the gaps.

audrey said...

I so enjoy seeing your progress with this quilt. The blue is fabulous! And what is there about binding that looks so good all coiled up and ready to go?:)

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The binding roll looks great and so tidy! I agree that fabric cutting / prep and binding roll creation are probably my least favored parts of the process.

Tish Stemple said...

Ah, the binding. A very evil necessary. I think I have made peace with this part of quilting. I use to hate it so much, but Netflix helps me get through. I love your neat little binding roll. I usually just let mine fall where it may. If I let that neat little roll fall off the table and unwind I would probably lose my mind at that point :)

Mary Marcotte said...

Your binding does look tidy. I make my binding by sewing the pieces together....that's all. I fold as I sew it pressing. Once it's sewn, it can't unfold. Besides when I get to that part, I want to get to the end! I love handwork but not as much as you do. I am so impressed by your patience and love of hand sewing.

Ruth said...

I hate binding, making and sewing down. It really makes a big impact on the finished quilt and I have to do it! I like the colours too for the gaps!

Lynette said...

Super fun play going on with these blocks. I love blues. I used to DESPISE doing the binding - every single bit of the process. Now I relish it. Even the up-front chore part of it brings on a happy feeling, because it means I'm on the verge of the finish. I love hand stitching it down now, too, because I use that for relaxing movie time - what more perfect excuse can you get to sit on the sofa and do practically nothing while watching a show? :)

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I don't mind making binding except when I cut it wrong. Advice I once read was to always make a full yard of binding, then leftovers can be used for Mini Quilts or sewn together for a scrappy binding.

Stephie said...

I love those tiny little blocks in your last photo, the texture of the fabrics is wonderful. I can just see them tucked in under that block on the right - like a little wall of its own holding up the bigger blocks! Love the fabric for your binding too. I realise the reason I love everything here is because you have very good taste :) x

Soma @ said...

Once I got the hang of making binding, I don't mind it as much either. I like the fabric you picked for yours.
