Monday, 6 July 2015

Bigger and smaller

I have been making more of my square shapes, and am finally feeling more comfortable with adding in some blues.  I realised when I was playing around with the new additions, looking at how they fitted in with my first bunch, that I have been imagining a sort of variation on a 9 patch in my head; something along these lines:

This meant I've been producing lots of finished chunks that are all the same size, give or take.  Now, I still like this idea (now that I know that's what I'm thinking), but can't quite bring myself to stick to units of one size,  so I've started going bigger and smaller, like this:

Clearly what I have here may look nothing like the finished quilt, but it's good to start playing.

Linking up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.


scraphappy said...

Have fun getting everything to fit together. Looks like a fun process.

Churn Dash said...

What fun and interesting blocks. I would love to do something similar some day. The freedom to just sew and enjoy the process can be lost when trying for perfect points.


Juliann in WA said...

Isn't that playing around fun? It looks like a win-win

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The play is definitely part of the fun. I like the sliced inserts of blue you are using, too.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Interesting to see your process and how well it's coming together. Even if you didn't start with a plan, it's starting to look cohesive now.

Stephie said...

Love those thin strips in the borders Kaja! They echo the stripes in some of the other fabrics really well. I need to play more too.

Ann said...

It's so interesting to see this progress. I love the thin strips, too. Wouldn't have thought of them. I am curious how you will combine these different-sized pieces.

Rachel said...

I like the nine patch look! Can't wait to see what you decide.

Mary Marcotte said...

Oh, this reminds me of the Crazy X quilt I made not long ago. Nothing fit together--what a mess! But the challenge of making it work out was quite a thrill. Your mixed sizes looks great but keep in mind that you'll have to face those same challenges. My favorite is the surprise of the tiny little pieces that occasionally show up. It's good to see that your blues are working their way in.

Wendy said...

looks really interesting. I think this will make a great quilt and you're right to go for bigger and smaller sizes, a bit of variety

Lara B. said...

The block you are putting together look great! Kaja, I'll be watching with interest to see how you combine the different sizes.

Soma @ said...

Looks like you are having fun playing and experimenting. Very intriguing :)


LA Paylor said...

how interesting to read that you discovered your inner muse this way! One goes along making stuff, then all of a sudden they realize why! LeeAnna