Monday, 29 June 2015

Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Having made a fair sized pile of my little bricks it felt like time today to play around a bit and try out options for 'mortar' to join them together.  And that is where it all went horribly wrong.  I had envisaged using my blue fabrics but when I looked at this properly it so clearly was not going to work.  Here's a sample.

See how absolutely unsuccessful this is?  The background is too busy and the squares don't stand out enough; really not what I was aiming for.  So back to the drawing board.  I still want to use the blues, but will think about other ways of incorporating them.  Maybe they will be bricks too.  

In the meantime I'm looking at more neutral fabrics - I've got a couple of grunge ones that might do: a very pale blue and this dirty cream colour.

I'm also making bricks in a third size (thanks to Mary for suggesting this).  I think I have travelled far enough along the path of big quilts with every smaller pieces.  Time to fight back.

Linking up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I agree that the more neutral background suits the bricks a bit better. And how fun to add a third brick size into the mix!

Sandra Walker said...

Isn't it interesting where fabrics take us? I spent a half hour just now pulling fabrics for Cheryl's mystery, in yellow, red, white, and ?? was my original plan, couldn't think what the 4th would be...ended up in the Christmas range now in one possibility, and brick red, cream and kind of forest green in the other possibility. Not a yellow in sight. Would a navy blue work for your little bricks? Is this Amanda Jean's scrap quiltalong?

Ruth said...

I agree - you've probably had enough of denim but a dark colour would pop the oranges?

scraphappy said...

Maybe a different blue would do the trick. Something that reads solid would help the bricks stand out.

audrey said...

I can see what you mean. Maybe you can use the blue elsewhere.:)

Judy D in WA said...

I think it would look fabulous with a dark blue background...or'll get there. Keep testing. I love all the blocks. Can't wait to see what you do.

Cathy said...

Call me nuts but I like the blue gingham. Maybe with some embroidery on it in the colors of your bricks and maybe not so much of that mortar between bricks.

Lynnwa said...

I can't give a good opinion on the first background as I have never liked that for I have been wondering how it has been progressing. I like to see the steps as you go.

LA Paylor said...

lest anyone mistakenly think creating original work is easy for anyone.... decisions decisions.
I am working on a beaded rock wall... very small but possibly interesting. So behind...LeeAnna

Mary Marcotte said...

I agree about the is too busy. I guess gingham is just not a quiet fabric no matter how much we want it to be. Maybe try a blue solid. After all, blue and orange are SUPPOSED to play well together. It's in the color wheel rules, remember? Of course, the bricks are a yellow-orange, so you'd almost need a blue-violet to contrast. Ruth may be on to something--audition a fabric in the denim color range, just not denim.

And thanks for the mention: that was sweet of you.