Monday 22 June 2015

A lot of little bricks

Making more little square (square-ish) bricks...

I have taken the square shape from the first wall piece and will also play around with adding horizontals as a background, but want a completely different relationship between these two elements.  

Looking at these first pictures it occurred to me that I had arranged all the square with the seam as a horizontal line, but in fact some could be vertical.

Now that I've got something on my design wall (metaphorically speaking) again, I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like how different this version is feeling from the first, and I look forward to seeing how it evolves!

Ruth said...

I like the seemingly random layout and do like the addition of larger solid bricks - will be following to see where this goes!

audrey said...

The colors are just yummy.:)

Mary Marcotte said...

Sorry, but I haven't been around for a while, which means I have some catching up to do. Did enjoy vacation, however. :-) The bricks are so pretty they drive me to read, so I'll catch up quickly.

Lara B. said...

My mind automatically lines things up the same too Kaja. It's fun how your turning some of the seams vertical made it looks more exciting. Love the bricks so far!

LA Paylor said...

I see how it relates to the first one. cool!