Sunday 21 June 2015

Something new for Sunday

I'm still quilting Two Hungry Birds,  but no picture this week.  It seems to be going along quite fast, but I realise that's because this is much smaller than Little Elephant rather than because I've put on a sudden burst of speed.

Also, I am starting another dress.  It's cut out and stencilled, so this will be my slow stitching for Sunday this week.  The second picture shows the colour much better.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Enjoy! I remember the last was beautiful!

Quilter Kathy said...

Dresses and birds.... life is good :)

scraphappy said...

So many lovely projects to stitch. Enjoy the process.

CathieJ said...

I love the pattern you stenciled on the dress. I am looking forward to seeing it finished.

Rachel said...

I really like the design on that fabric! It's going to be another pretty dress, for sure.

Soma @ said...

Beautiful..both colour and the stenciled design. Looking forward to seeing the dress.


LA Paylor said...

why is dress making slow? lol
what are you stenciling with? Paint? What kind? I like it, and stenciling before sewing. I always do it the other way around then fret over messing it up. Doh!