Monday, 8 June 2015

Happy coincidence

No piecing going on at all here - I'm not even in the same place as my machine, so I would have said I was making no progress on my current wall thing, except that I happened to come across this really lovely wall's even sort of the right colours.


Ann said...

Mmm! This looks like a wall Stephie posted. Perhaps you're visiting the same place. Simply gorgeous. Love the colors, the variety of the widths and lengths.

Ruth said...

Love the texture and the colours!

Soma @ said...

Haha! I thought I was the only one who takes wall pictures. Love the colours on your photos.


LA Paylor said...

more inspiration... I am very aware of rock and stone walls... the more pix the better. LeeAnna

Lara B. said...

What a beautiful wall that is too. I wonder what kind of stone that is and if it was local? I notice rocks everywhere and love them. We have a friend whose husband bought her a big sapphire ring and she was so pleased. I could not help but think... I would sell that and by river rocks and pea gravel and build a stone wall for the garden. LOL

audrey said...

What a fabulous wall! Very inspirational I'm sure.:)