Sunday 18 January 2015

Slow stitching and more denim

If my piecing has been on a go slow this week, my hand work, perversely, has been moving along quite nicely.  I am confidently expecting Little Elephant to take an age to quilt, but am making good headway.  Reflecting on this I don't think it is because I have been putting in much more time than usual, but using one thread everywhere, instead of constantly changing colours, means I spend a lot - and I mean a whole lot - less time stopping and starting, threading needles, tying knots, burying ends.  

As suggested by Kathy, I have a picture of myself quilting, for Slow Sunday Sewing.  I will confess that I had to get help with this - my one-handed camera attempts were way too shaky.

I have also started the next bit of denim.  This time I am trying little denim patches, and have opened out a pair of kids jeans but kept the shape of the garment.  I recently bought Unconventional and Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar by Rodnet Kiracofe and there are a couple of quilts in there using old jeans, including one which has an entire pair of dungarees.  (By the way this book is just brilliant; I would encourage you to seek it out if you haven't already seen it).

I'm still using the random threads I have lying around, and having run out of the dark reds am giving these a go.  I'm not sure the blue will show up enough, but we'll see.


Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I agree so hard to take a pic of yourself quilting. I can't wait to see how your latest denim project works out! Thanks for the tip on the book.

CathieJ said...

I am looking forward to seeing that denim project.

Jo said...

Mmmm sew am I

Stephie said...

I'm so in awe of your hand quilting - I wish you could show me how to do it as neatly as you do! That book's on my list - at the moment I'm waiting for Cultural Fusion to arrive - Waterstones is taking waaay too long!!! Have a lovely afternoon Kaja :)

Quilter Kathy said...

Oohhh a left handed quilter! So wonderful to see you quilting! You have a unique thimble... is it a Roxanne's?
Thanks for linking up with such a great photo!

Turid said...

Your Little Elephant is so pretty, and your stitches just perfect. And I always love your denim project.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Great photo, I can see why it would be hard to do it on your own!

Mary Marcotte said...

A lefty quilter! You should look up Alex Anderson on youtube. I think she's a lefty, also, and gives tips and hints for people who quilt left-handed. Of course, your stitches are beautiful, but you may find a few helpful ideas. Love the idea of taking a photo of your hand quilting!

Cathy said...

Oh, I can't imagine changing colors so often. I've seen that book mentioned on other blogs. Sounds interesting. I made a blue jean crazy quilt in the 70s and two other blue jean quilts that got stolen from the car a few years ago. Uggggh. Nice hand.

MartiDIY said...

Your quilting looks great. I couldn't take a photo of my hand either so finally had Hubby take it.

Unknown said...

And to think that you didn't want to learn to sew when you were a child. You have taught yourself far better than I would have done with you. It is a good thing you waited.

Lara B. said...

Your hand quilting is so neat and perfect Kaja. A beautiful way to finish this quilt! What kind of a thimble are you wearing there? My favorite thimble so far is two band aids, layered one over the other. Everything else seems to fall off too often.

Denise :) said...

Your hand quilting is just beautiful! I'm intrigued by the jeans project, though . . . can't wait to see what happens there! :)

audrey said...

What a great picture of you stitching!