Saturday 21 June 2014

A start

My first go at playing with the Harper fabrics, mixing them in with Oakshott cottons and some Kaffe Fassett stripes.

I don't know yet where this is going, but rarely do at this early stage - I just make some bits I like and then start seeing how they go together.  These may get used as they are, or might end up chopped into pieces and looking altogether different!

Starting a new quilt is exciting and a bit scary: where these fabrics will take me?; will this be easy or will I hate what I do and spend weeks trying to work out how to save it?; will I waste fabric and then need more of it than I have left.  My usual rule is that I buy half a metre of something but then don't let myself get more, so if I run out, I have to improvise.  In theory I like the challenge.


Sammy Zee said...

Do you have a process for buying fabrics since they're so important to the process if you're doing it a bit at a time? And what's the longest you've had to look at one before it seemed to be right? Also I love the fabrics you're using, especially the kaffe fasset ones!

Kaja said...

If I'm honest I just buy stuff I like, without thinking at all what I'm going to use it for. I do go through phases of liking a particular colour but really it's all just on a whim. Then they sit in my boxes until they seem to be what I need. Might be six weeks, might be six years! I'm glad you like them.

Rayna said...

You work the way I do: start from the fabric and be surprised at what turns out at the end. Exactly!

Anonymous said...

I love the Charley Harper prints. I have been wanting to make something with those fabrics but haven't bought any yet. Nice mix of fabrics!

Kaja said...

And most of the time it's fun that way.

Kaja said...

Have a look at the Birch website, there are some great new ones coming - I think in about October.