Monday, 8 April 2024

Using up the rejects

While I was trying to figure out how to make something I liked out of the octagons, I made various other bits and pieces too.  I tried combining them with little crosses and also made a handful of hourglass blocks.  Neither of these worked, but now I am looking those rejects and wondering if they might belong together in something else.  The crosses were mostly in reds and dark blues, whilst the hourglasses came in red and orange-y fabrics.  So I have pulled some extra shirts and a pile of denim scraps and am giving it a go to see what happens.  

I didn't hate this first piece, so have kept going and now have three chunks. As you can see, they are pretty simple so this didn't take long.  Now I have to decide whether to make a few more, or start to think about how they might talk to each other.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, I really like the dark blue (that fades to navy or black?) stripe and think you've used it to great effect in the piecing. This one feels like it's talking to you a lot more than the octagons.

Janie said...

Good start! Good communication among blocks makes a big difference.

RobinaS said...

Ooooo... I really like this! Personally, I'm thinking I'd like it horizontally oriented, which is strange as normally I'd look for the vertical alignment. Maybe because it has a bit of a nautical flavour? Regardless, you will make something brilliant out of it!

Mean Jean said...

I love the crosses. lots more please. And, yes, try horizontal. I like that too.

audrey said...

Oh yes, I'm loving the way the solid fabrics are helping to 'pop' the cross blocks!

patty a. said...

Those are some interesting bits.

Quiltdivajulie said...

And THAT's how things take on life. We can't force it, can we?!

Mystic Quilter said...

Interesting things going on here! The hourglass blocks seem to be very happy with the strips and crosses, like the colour mix also.

Mary Marcotte said...

I think you're onto something fabulous. The colors do have a "nautical flavour," as Robina said. I like the red/orangey red hourglasses, but the crosses are the stars right now.

Ann said...

Blues always look good to me. Your orange/reds add that perfect accent. Have fun in your spare time.

Greenville Fetish said...

I enjoyed this post thanks for sharing.