Wednesday 15 February 2023

Maybe, nearly, almost, pretty much done for now

In a  perfect world there would be a couple of process photos between my last post and this one.  However I have had covid again.  I am perfectly fine but  have been confined to my room so can't get at the camera to retrieve my card.   I did manage to grab my box of sewing on my way into isolation though.  There isn't room to swing a cat in here but moving everything away from the wall so that I could pin my top to it kept me busy and time is the one thing I've had plenty off.

I'm trying to remember how this went.  Three columns were working but clearly not wide enough and I figured I had enough fabric to make a couple more sets of circle-y bits. The one in the top right is made of smaller pieces, partly because it let me use more of the scrappy bits but also deliberately to echo the similar piece bottom left.  

I had enough beige scrappage to run a line of triangles across the bottom and up the right hand side.  Again, this has a practical point - to edge towards a size I'm happy with - and also balances the left hand side.  No more beige left.  In fact almost no more of anything except one strip of tartan, a fair bit of the darkest red and blue stripe and some of the plain slightly pink-y red.  Ideally I would like to add a tiny bit of length, but am not sure this will give me much in the way of options.  I'll need to get back to my floor to know; if I can't find something pleasing then this will be where I stop.  


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm sorry you have COVID again but am so glad to hear that you are feeling okay and well enough to puzzle this quilt top together. I like the way the shapes move across the top. Hmm, without any more beige I'm curious if you will find something that works to extend the length without the composition feeling too heavy.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Our oldest son, his wife, and their 6 year old all currently have COVID (round 2 for each of the adults, first time for Little Man). We know quite a few who have had it in the last few weeks! Sorry you are in isolation but glad you have your fabric to keep your mind occupied. Take care!

Julierose said...

Covid again? Gosh we are just coming out of our first case--it is so tiring..we are exhausted...I am so sorry ...
Your quilt came out so beautifully...I really love how the border (R) is echoed inside the quilt...nice work. rest up and feel better soon hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

I am sorry to hear you have Covid again, but I am glad to hear you are not feeling too bad. The quilt top turned out great. There is so much to look at and those spikey circles keeps your eye moving around the piece. Take care!

Janie said...

Get better soon! Winter is the time when everything gets passed around isn't it?
We have snow on the ground here.
I like your arrangement everything gets along together and makes a pleasing whole.
Thanks for sharing.

Robin said...

So sorry you're sick again but what a wonderful result of not feeling good. I think my favorite piece of fabric is the light plaid because it gives good contrast to the rest of the elements. This is just a fascinating quilt top, it really tells a story.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Sorry to read about your second round of Covid, hope you feel better soon. And yes, I was just thinking those lighter plaid pieces contrast well with the rest of the composition.

Ann said...

How yucky to get Covid twice although it's fortunate you took your fabric into isolation with you. I caught something, too, although it didn't test as Covid. It's wiped me out.
The spikes make an interesting repeat, especially on the beige. The color range makes the circles come and go nicely, too. You'll have to decide if this the the Crown of Thorns for Easter or Covid spikes. I know which one I'd go with.
Sending you warm wishes for continued recovery.

Doris said...

Some in my family just took their second Covid , fortunately it was just a light form. They all recovered quickly so I hope you will too.
Love how it comes out, all very well balanced. There is a very interesting dynamic between light and dark. Difficult to add something to the length but perhaps you´ll find a solution.

audrey said...

So glad you were able to keep stitching through your illness. Loving the look of this especially where the brighter fabric pops and makes us look at a different area of the quilt! And those spiky circles. Really great vibe.:)

Mystic Quilter said...

How come I missed this pos I have no idea! Sorry to read you had Covid again, not a welcome visitor! I love how your quilt layout has progressed, interested to see to see if you go ahead with any more additions.