Saturday, 31 December 2022

Still going...

And still in the early stages where I'm making little units and shuffling about but without a clear path in mind.  It's kind of fun though, and these bits have been making me feel decidedly festive.

I've added in some points here and there, just because I can
and am starting to get a feel for how these fabrics are working together.
These units are much smaller than the ones I started with in my previous quilt, maybe the smallest pieces are around 5 or 6 inches.  I'm hoping that this help me to go curvy without so many headaches getting the pieces I want out of my shirts.  Fingers crossed.
2022 has been my least productive year ever, both in blogging and quilting terms.  I have a quilt just finished that I will photograph when I get a chance, but that brings my grand total to 3.  I am hoping 2023 will be better, though I guess I'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, a very happy New Year to one and all.


Julierose said...

As long as you enjoyed working your 3 finishes that is what counts--;)))
I love the addition of those points--very nice work...
Happy New Year to you and yours Hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I really love the addition of the points. They make me think of eyelashes or the rays of a rising or setting sun. May we all ease into 2023 and find moments of joy throughout the year. Happy New Year, Kaja!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

These units are looking very interesting! Happy New Year!

patty a. said...

The pointy bits add such exuberance to the blocks! I like the color pallet too! The pointy bits will make it easier to add adjoining sections of triangles and other configurations using triangles.

Paulette said...

These blocks just tickle me! Love 'em.

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh yes to those spikes!!! I love them they look perfectly at home.

Quiltdivajulie said...

YES - I love the spiky points! Keep going!!!!!