Friday, 3 December 2021

Closing time

I'm putting a pin in this and calling it done.  It is a little smaller than I had thought I was aiming for, and I did have fancy ideas of what to add next, but there came a moment when I looked at it and decided I liked it well enough as it was.

I have added runs of this striped fabric...
In the middle I made two long strips and joined them with one of my shinier reds, like this.
On the edges I kept it simpler.  I had to resort to the line again, though sadly the garden is not as pretty as last time I did this and the sun is so low in the sky that it skews my colours, but it is what it is.
This will be my last serious piecing this year, though I might tinker with some scraps if I get the chance.  However I have one quilt being bound, another I am hoping to finish before year end and a new one all nicely basted and ready for the hoop, so I will still be around and posting.


Sandy Panagos said...

That turned out great. The striped fabric added a lot.

Julierose said...

Just a beautiful finish- I love the depth of the colors--so "..lovely, dark and deep" paraphrase Robert Frost's poem..;D
Nice work--hugs, Julierose

Wtrstone said...

I like the way that the striped fabric (when hanging on the line) shows up gray except for the horizontal stripes of white in the plaid.

Cozily moody looking quilt.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The addition of the striped fabric was just the right thing to join it all together. And I look forward to seeing the quilt that is almost finished. :)

Janie said...

Very rich, saturated colors, just right for almost winter.
Your quilt top is full of life and 'movement,' excellent design work.

Robin said...

This quilt makes me wonder what stories might be behind the doors and windows.
Lots of imagination here.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A great finish! Love the striped fabric addition.

Kim said...

I am in love with this gorgeous quilt of yours! I would leave it just as it is, is perfect!

JanineMarie said...

Love this! That striped part is almost like a lane along buildings. Looking forward to seeing your almost-finished quilt. Have fun binding and quilting during the holiday season

Quiltdivajulie said...

I absolutely love it!!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture in the low sunlight. Looks like the lights are on behind all the doors. When you baste for hand quilting, do you use pins or do you hand baste? I have a quilt getting close to ready for hand-quilting and I was thinking of thread basting it, which I've never done before.
Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net

Mystic Quilter said...

Like what you did with the runs of the stripe fabric and the luscious pink sits very happily there. A beautiful piece Kaja, I love it, especially with light shining through the centre creating a stained glass effect.

patty a. said...

Somehow I missed this post, but found it today! I like the way you joined the door units together. The black/gray fabric with the stripes reminds me of a street or sidewalk. I like this dark quilt very much!

Doris said...

It is always a big and beautiful surprise when you have finished a quilt. I love especially these dark-light pink pieces. Like sparks in the dark.