Tuesday 27 July 2021


I wasn't planning to go awol, but last Sunday my kids got the message to self-isolate for ten days, as someone in their class had a positive Covid test.  So without warning we were house-bound again, and all my sewing was out of reach.  Never mind, we have come out the other side unscathed and they are back at school for the last two days before the summer holidays finally begin.  

I find it discombobulating to step away from a quilt for a week when I'm in the middle of things;  I guess that's why I only work on one thing at a time.  What happens after a break is that I mostly don't like what I see.  So I got this out of the box...
and knew straight off that I wanted to take off the big triangle borders.  To be fair, I probably would have made the decision after a 24 hour pause too, but when you've been itching to sew it is particularly peeving to spend your first half hour unpicking instead. 
I feel slightly shame-faced about the wrinkly state of things here, but I seem to have abandoned the iron almost entirely these days.  

I thought I would do two columns of geese next but when I put them in place they got rather swallowed up, so I added a round of the grey and burgundy print instead.  Next time round they still didn't look quite right, only this time I remembered to take a photo.
See what I mean?  I rather wish I had a darker red in the mix, but I'm working with what I had so instead I think I'm going to try this.
I might go looking for a darker red or failing that add in something in a different colour., just something to make things a little bit less - I don't know - predictable?


Robin said...

I love the color palette in this. So many decision to still make. But, I guess that's the fun of it. Enjoy the process. . . I'm glad you kids didn't get sick.

Ann said...

Medallions are usually symmetrical yet I haven't made many. I see what you mean about the large triangles now that you've taken them off. But I had to double check the burgundy and grey. I was expecting something strong and this is softly understated.
I'm glad you and your family are safe so far. I check Johns Hopkins site for global information daily and have been concerned about the rise in UK cases. It also look like there aren't lots of vaccines there yet. Stay safe.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I do like the change from the large triangles to the smaller flying geese. I think you are doing a great job keeping in mind how the fabrics read together with a lot of very similar value fabrics. I do wonder if a darker red at this point will work or stand out too much given how much you already have pieced?

Also, super glad to hear that you all made it through the self-isolation okay and fingers crossed for a swift final 2 days and nice summer break.

Paulette said...

I'm glad everyone came out of self-quarantine unscathed. I really like the smaller flying geese instead of the larger triangles. There is a fresh energy to the way it's taking shape!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Sometimes it is nice to step away and come back with a fresh look - but a whole week away can be hard on the soul! I love where you are going with this.

Janie said...

Thanks for sharing your process, I'm encouraged. I enjoy seeing your different design decisions. Sometimes I doubt myself and then I don't do anything, that doesn't help does it?
Glad your kids are okay, I appreciate your good attitude about it.
I get totally fed up with hysterical 'Chicken Littles' as in the story of the hysterical chicken running around, 'The sky is falling, the sky is falling!'

cspoonquilt said...

I love these kind of Mandala quilts! I think the flying geese work way better, worth the picking out of the other! And the turquoise borders next to the grey / pink work too! 'Glad ur kids are safe and sound. take care!

QuiltGranma said...

It is always so interesting to see the process. Thank you.

patty a. said...

The geese do look so much better than those big triangles - good call! I also like the change in color of the background for the geese from the teal to the pink. I am glad your family did not get covid. It is scary that now they are recommending for the vaccinated to wear masks again both indoor and now outdoor. I have still been wearing a mask when I go shopping or indoors everywhere but at work. Outdoors it is hard to wear one at the merch booth since it is loud and sometimes you have to read lips. Take care!

Mystic Quilter said...

Definitely the small flying gees look happier than the larger triangles. Sorry to read about the lockdown, watching TV news it seems cases are rising again in the UK, happy to read that the kids are OK.