Tuesday 30 March 2021


Today I didn't sew much, although I have made a couple of bigger tulips.  Instead I alternated between shuffling my existing blocks around and hacking away in the back garden where several shrubs have  been allowed to have their own way unchallenged, I'm guessing for around ten years.  It's not a bad mix of activities.  I look and think until I am stuck.  Then I go outside, stop thinking about quilting and hey presto!  Just like that something helpful pops into my mind.
I started off in a fairly orderly way: big tulip in the middle and everything else radiating out.   Then I thought about how much I liked the photos I shared last time, where the tulips were grouped together and added the row of pink flowers.

Off into the garden where I found myself challenging the basic assumptions of this layout.  These little blocks, all being squares, seem to lead naturally towards something fairly orderly.  It's fun to lay them out like this, but was it exciting me?  Well, to be fair, it was exciting the same bit of me that likes to make lists just so I can cross things off, but that's not usually the bit I use when I'm quilting.

So now I am playing around with something more like this.
This is halfway, I would say, between the last picture and where I want to be.  I'm imagining the tulips more in groups and less in orderly rows.  That's the way I like them in the garden and it looks like it's how I want them in this quilt too.

On a side note, if you leave comments on my blog and I don't answer, I'm afraid  that means you are a no reply blogger.   If you include an email address in your comment, or send me one through my email, then I'm happy to respond.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oooh, I like where it is headed now. I agree that the flowers grouped together are nice but I like the realism of them looking more like they would mixed into a garden.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I agree that the mix of two very different activities stimulates creative thinking. For me the ideal alternate activity is driving - no clue why but it works almost every time. Have fun shuffling things about - one arrangement will click and you'll be thrilled.

Kim said...

There is nothing quite like hacking about in the garden to get the creative mind into gear. I too, rather love the tulips growing together in your quilt. This quilt is filled with inspiration and visual interest.

Robin said...

So many decisions, sometimes my brain gets so tired. Whatever arrangement you decide will be great - it always is.

Ann said...

I always lean towards your original, orderly layout but that's not how I like gardens. What a great thought to have them in drifts. So natural. It's a treat to see the progression of your ideas.
Have fun in the garden. All my pots are planted and I restarted the ground covers. It will take a few years but hopefully will choke the weeds.

patty a. said...

I do my best thinking in the shower; your best thinking must be in the garden. The random sprinkling of the the tulips looks more like you than orderly rows. This just keeps getting better and better!

Julierose said...

We are pulling invasive pachysandra out little by little--that activity sure frees the brain to think about my quilts that are on "the back burner" because of some problem!!
[I must say though, that weeding does need many cups of tea in between yanking stuff out and contemplating how it looks--or will look, I hope.]
I like your take on the tulip quilt...it's coming so well...
hugs, Julierose

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh yes, the arrangement you've come up with following your gardening spree is exciting, love the mix of size with the tulips so I shall wait to see your next post!

Clarelou said...

Did you use a pattern fir the tulips? They are lovely!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Loving your progress with these tulips & string blocks!