Saturday 12 October 2019

When in doubt, blog

Many thanks to all the commenters on my last post who suggested this could be asymmetrical.  Why that hadn't occurred to me, I don't know, but it hadn't.  As soon as the suggestion was made, though, I knew that was the answer.  That's the beauty of blogging - when your brain isn't working as well as it could, someone else can pick up the slack and give you the perfect answer.
I haven't unpicked anything, but decided that what you now see is the top left corner and filled it in accordingly.  I realise looking at this photo that you can't necessarily telling I am going for asymmetry, but hopefully by next time it will be more obvious.

There are a lot  more pink strips now.  They are entirely practical - just helping match things up when I need it.  Cutting the squares freehand means that the tiny discrepancies in size mount up over a bigger area of piecing.  I could trim more but I kind of like the way the strips chart the construction of the quilt - a bit like visible mending on your clothes.


Kim said...

'Tis looking rather fabulous!

Nancy said...

I love this now!

Julierose said...

Oh I do like those pink strips--just perfect--and functional too. Nice work hugs, Julierose

Shelina said...

It's nice to get input from others about your quilt, but it doesn't mean that your brain isn't working. They just saw something you didn't at the moment. I like the pink with the blue and the coping strips. THey both add a lot of interest.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

How awesome that a post helped you get some insight on how to move forward!

Ann said...

I like the idea of charting your construction with the pink strips. I should try that some time since it feels like geology to me.

Lisa J. said...

Those pink strips add so much interest to the quilt Very nice.

patty a. said...

You have made a lot of progress! The pink strips help in lots of ways.

Janie said...

The adventure continues!
Fun process thanks for sharing.

LA Paylor said...

your process is amazing to me. Also, to comments. We are seeing it with fresh eyes, and make suggestions that lead you to think about it and make the final decisions, but it's your creative mind that always figures out the most intriguing solutions. It's important when asking for imput, to know who to ask and and which directions to turn, and that the answers are always in you. I know I've asked you before what a particular piece needs and you did that for me! I appreciate you!

O'Quilts said...

yes yes yes and yes!!

Mary Marcotte said...

I think we all appreciate the give and take that we get from bloggy friends. For me it's a wonderful advantage that I had't thought about before starting. In fact, it took a while to build relationships to get to the point of knowing that I can ask and another (better) relationship of getting suggestions even when I haven't asked. Besides we look at things from a different perspectives and I love having the input from those perspectives.

As for the top--yes! Those skinny little strips work!

Sandy Panagos said...

Looking good!