Thursday 7 February 2019

Out of sync with myself

Habitually, I sew, blog, sew, blog.  Works just fine.  But every so often I forget my camera, or the sewing seems so unremarkable I don't bother to blog it and then I get myself into a bit of a pickle.  That's where I am right now.  My sewing got ahead and then I couldn't figure it all out, so here's where I am right now.


julieQ said...

I truly love it!!!

patty a. said...

What you have so far is wonderful! I am sure you will figure out the next section. Sometimes I don't have time to sew, so I post the other stuff that takes up my time like months of dragging home rocks! LOL!!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I understand getting out of sequence. Wow, what a beautiful pieced work. It will be fun to see how you puzzle out its continued growth.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Sequence or not - this is looking marvelous!!

Janie said...

Yes, 'out of sequence' happens.
The cold here has me feeling 'out of sequence', and then there's the unplanned hick-ups in schedule
that shake it up. Flexible is a good thing I keep telling myself.
I like what you've done, dynamic.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

ohhhh! I am going to HAVE to get those colors and make a quilt. Really.

audrey said...

The quilt seems to have a lot more drama than what I'm used to seeing in your quilts, but it's still most definitely YOU! Love it and love the way your mind works with fabric and color!

JanineMarie said...

I think you are in a very good place with the quilt. I can totally relate to sewing not blogging or sewing not recording in photos, though. Sometimes that means I’m in the zone, but sometimes it’s because of a focus on figuring things out.

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

The quilt looks great! I often forget to snap pics when sewing - it happens. I'm sure you'll be back in sync soon. What you're working on is fantastic!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Phew! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I often finish an entire quilt with no progress photos to share. I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing, especially when you can come up with something like this fabulous piece!

liniecat said...

well whether your ahead or behind, it's fantastic!

Ann said...

You're making dramatic use of your fabrics. It's such a wonderful quilt in progress.
I definitely forget to snap photos. I just get too involved in what I'm doing and/or there's a big mess all around.

Judyk2310 said...


Mystic Quilter said...

Don't know why you say you can't figure it all out Kaja, right where you are is a very good place!!

Mary Marcotte said...

There's something in that bottom center with the star and the yellow line. It reminds me of a comet shooting straight up into the sky. You have so many elements that I like--the birds, the night sky, the stars, the geese. You'll work through this slump. Think of it as a chance to slow down and enjoy the process. Just don't stop!

Soma @ said...

Beautiful!! I love this one already.


Carli The Quilter said...

Its gorgeous, keep going, you'll find your path!