Wednesday 5 December 2018

Map challenge, done for now

I can honestly say there were moments when I thought this quilt would never be done but I think I have most probably finished the piecing.  Somewhere along the way I stopped taking photos of every version I rejected but suffice it to say I found the last few inches tricky.  In the end I used entirely dark blue strips down at the bottom and a combination of leftovers pieced together and the dark green shot cotton to compensate for my shortage of fabric.  
Once the bottom was sorted out I added the dark blue strip on the left hand side, which sort of squares things up, but also felt right in terms of the balance of things. For the same reason (balance, not excessive wonkiness) I added one more row of across the top, echoing the darker blue at the bottom.

And just like that I was satisfied and it was done!

Next up I think I am going to do something nice and simple.


Doris Perlhuhn said...

It comes out perfectly. Love how you arranged the dark blue. Do you really think you can do something simple?? Nice sure- but simple :-)

Lisa J. said...

The balance is just right in the end. It's a wonderful finish.

Julierose said...

This came out so beautifully! i am still loving those little ladder strippies throughout--they really move your eye around the entire piece. Great job--amazing work hugs, Julierose

julieQ said...

I Love it!

Libby in TN said...

It really looks like a map of city plots!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Well worth the journey, I'd say! There is something about this quilt that really speaks to me. I think it is that fabric that looks like birch trees. It is saying come into the woods. I love it!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Congratulations on the "done" status - this challenge has been much more challenging that the earlier ones. You met it well!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The dark blue across the top does a great job of balancing out the bottom. I giggled when I read you are going to do something nice and simple next. I am always impressed with what you are working on, and there is always some kind of puzzle that I think you do a wonderful job of solving. ;)

patty a. said...

The top turned out fabulous! I know it was a struggle, but you stuck to it and end up with a wonderful piece. Good job!

O'Quilts said...

My goodness...look at all the tiny lattice..time intensive...balance and color are great...done even better,,great job

Mystic Quilter said...

Wonderful quilt in response to the challenge from Ann. The extra strips you've added does balance everything beautifully. Congratulations on the finish - what is the size now Kaja?

audrey said...

You did it! Yay you! I really like the larger piecing units on the top and bottom. It sort of grounds the quilt.:) What a great quilt though. Definitely feeling the 'maps' vibes!

Ann said...

I quite like the scale of your piecing and the colors you chose. The yellows sparkle against the blues. And those little bits of lavender quietly add a twinkle. The dark and light fabrics give excellent range to the values.
It looks so good!
I always enjoy watching you work in the smallest of your scraps in order to finish. Hooray for you.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I love it! the balance is nice, just enough wonky, so, yes. Perfect.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Wonderfully free and fabulous. It looks very manly.

Gale Bulkley said...

I really enjoy watching your progress vicariously. It's lovely.

Janie said...

Congratulations, Kaja.
Pleasing to the eye. And let it rest for a while? I understand that.

LA Paylor said...

I really like it. I like the little squares in a row like film especially. Great choices, and congrats on coming to a conclusion.
Nice job as always. Happy holidays my friend!

Sue McQ said...


Mary Marcotte said...

Simple? Hahaha I can't believe it.
This one is another great finish. There's not much to say that hasn't been said already, except add me to the list of impressed people. You just have a way of creating that the rest of us can only sit back and enjoy. In my case at least, there's no way to think it out like you do.

Nifty Quilts said...

I see you're still making fantastic quilts! I love all the plaids and the fun solution on the bottom left.

Kim said...

You did it!! A most amazing finish, Kaja! Love all the beautiful detail in this quilt. All that to-ing and fro-ing has resulted in an exceptional quilt and dare I say it....perfect!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

I love it too, especially all the plaids! And have enjoyed following your posts as you made decisions.

Shelina said...

Anther fabulous finish! It looks great with the archway too.

Soma @ said...

Well Done!! I smiled when I saw that you are going to work on something simple :)


Carli The Quilter said...

You have created a lovely map of many colors!