Sunday 22 April 2018

Enough is enough

I am still quilting, and quite frankly I've had enough.  It's time this was finished.  In fact it should have been done weeks ago.  It's not that I'm in a hurry exactly, but every time I sit down to quilt the phone rings, the cat is sick, the doorbell goes or I unexpectedly have to take my car to the garage because the manufacturer has decided my airbag might explode and hurl pieces of metal at the passengers.  Like buses, my interruptions are all coming at once.  
But I'm putting an end to all that and I'm announcing it here because that seems to work for me.  I only have this tiny  bit left to go and I am going to finish by next Sunday, and if that means we run out of shampoo, or milk, or that I forget to put the bins out, or to clean, or cook, or that I have to stay up all night next Saturday, so be it.  

Linking up with Kathy for Slow Sunday Stitching.


julieQ said...

I totally love your freeform piecing...and hand quilting makes your work all the better!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm taking my car in for the exploding airbag recall on Tuesday (and it's the 3rd safety recall in 3 months for 2 cars - I'm DONE), so I know what you mean about some of these kinds of distractions. You can do it, and I hope it means not staying up all night on Saturday OR running out of essentials. xx

jan said...

Oh I wish I could hand quilt. I hand piece and that is about all that my wrists will take. Kudos to you for putting your stitching first this week! Have fun! xo jan

Nancy said...

I get to that point sometimes, too, Kaja, and want to just get it done. With an attitude like yours, today, you'll have it finished in no time. You go, girl!

Mystic Quilter said...

First of all I love your comment about buses!!! You really haven't much more to quilt on this one, I'm looking forward to your post when it's all done and dusted. I seem to be having issues also with constant interruptions, hopefully this week will be better.

Quilter Kathy said...

So frustrating when life is like that!
Good luck with your meeting your goal... I hope you don't actually miss out on sleeping!

patty a. said...

It is crazy how many times you can get interrupted! I am rooting for you that you can meet your goal!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Interruptions are those pesky parts of life that really cut into our quilting time. I have every confidence in you and know it will be done! Have fun with those last stitches!

Marly said...

Today's Monday, so I bet you've finished the quilting by now! If not, just keep going and your patience will be rewarded - by the most inventive red, white and blue quilt ever!

Kathleen said...


Janie said...

Great hand quilting Kaja.
You can see the finish line, that's exciting.

liniecat said...

LOL the world wont end without milk or shampoo etc Go fro it girl : )

Quiltdivajulie said...


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I understand. I sometimes yell at the dogs to just go lay down after they want to go out (or in) for the millionth time in this hour........ Then I fell like a bad mom.....

cocoya said...

It is crazy how many times you can get interrupted! I am rooting for you that you can meet your goal!
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Soma @ said...

Perfect attitude! That's what I do too when I really want to finish something and the interruptions keep on coming. You can do it!!
