Thursday, 4 January 2018

Getting back down to it

Happy New Year everyone!  

Things are slowly getting back to normal here, though I still have a spate of family birthdays and a deadline to get past.  As a result I finally have a little progress to share.

This still needs to be a little longer and quite a bit wider, but I have plenty of HSTs ready to go - you can just see them spilling over the bottom left-hand corner of the photo.  

It felt really good to get the piece with the black lighthouse finished and joined on; it has really caused me a few headaches but I persevered and am happy enough now, though I have had occasion to regret my decision, way back near the start, to make tiny triangles rather than using filler strips.  It looks much better, but boy is it a lot of extra work.  Too late to back out now though!

It occurs to me that I haven't blogged the names of the three lighthouses.  I could, of course, just make buildings up, but it gives me pleasure to use real-life starting points, so here are the links.  The white one at the top is the South Light on Fair Isle, the yellow one is Vattarnes in south-east Iceland and the black one is Irish: Ballycotton, off the coast of Cork.


Libby in TN said...

I love the look of whipping waves that the HSTs create.

julieQ said...

What an awesome quilt!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Your coast line is shaping up beautifully! I hope the family birthdays are joyous and the deadline is met with ease. I am glad to see you've had some sewing time. :)

patty a. said...

I would say you made a lot of progress! It is looking wonderful!

Doris Perlhuhn said...

O all these little triangles. Impressing. And the effect is great. Big moving it.

Robin said...

I so enjoyed going to the sites and looking at these lighthouses. You have done a remarkable job. I didn't realize there was such a variety. All your hard work is coming together and it looks great!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I love it - for every possible reason.

Ann said...

Those HSTs make such great waves; worth all your effort. And after all, what will you do when you finish this one? {I just start another.} I love the way we can move objects wherever we want when we quilt. So glad you used real lighthouses. This is a great quilt.

Janie said...

I like your design, the lighthouses and waves. I also enjoyed reading about where the lighthouses were located.
A good quilt has a good story!
Have fun with your family birthdays too.

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

Holy HST's!! I love those tiny ones - I'm sure they're a headache, but they look so good in your quilt.

audrey said...

Your little triangles may be tedious, but they add so much interest to the quilt! Love all the little details that make up the whole. It's obvious that true dedication makes for the very best looking and emotion filled quilts. Nobody can ever accuse you of making a shallow looking quilt!

Mystic Quilter said...

Wonderful use of the half square triangles Kaja, not long before you'll have this one finished!!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

This quilt seems to have a real churning sparkle to me, it's great!

Carli The Quilter said...

Nice work. But where did all the ships go? Or is it too churning of water to just stay in port?

Monica said...

The little triangles are totally worth it! This is looking really awesome, Kaja. The contrast between the triangles and the blocky lighthouses just makes it all work so much better. Carry on!