Wednesday, 6 December 2017

I sewed!

All this work is fine and dandy, and as I've said it's in my nature to knuckle down and get on with it, but after three weeks I have become aware that not sewing is starting to send me a little bit bonkers,so I've paused this morning and done the next chunk on this.  Reflecting on it, I think I'm lucky this is the project I've got on the go right now as it's pretty much just about juggling rows of different-sized HSTs, so it's quite easy to get back into the swing of things.  See, I'm looking on the bright side today instead of whining.

I finished this chunk and have quite a lot of bits pieced together ready for the next couple of rows, though first I have to find a missing word (the next bit of the shipping forecast seems to be without its final 'poor') or maybe print another one.

As luck would have it, I've sewed on a Wednesday, so I'm linking up with sew  stitch snap share too.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm glad you set aside some time for yourself and sewing this morning. It's progressing beautifully!

Cathy said...

Oh, it's looking wonderful! Hope your sewing today "unbonkered" you a bit and you can survive until your next bout of sewing.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

This is looking great! And I'm glad you managed some sewing time, and that it was on a Wednesday too! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

The Joyful Quilter said...

That is looking really good. LOVE that stormy sea that you've created!!!

Ann said...

I'm so glad you had sewing time. I go nuts too when I haven't sewn for a while.
It's looking wonderful. The forecast is a great idea.

patty a. said...

Good for you that you were able to get a bit of sewing done.

Lynette said...

I've got some missing blocks - maybe they're at a runaway convention with your "Poor" :)

Janie said...

Yes, Kaja, some sewing therapy!
I hope you and Lynette find your missing piece/blocks.
Time seems to be running away from me. My grandkids are
visiting and the time just flies by. It's all good fun.
My projects are waiting patiently.

Monica said...

I haven't had the cover off the sewing machine in at least 7 days, and it's getting to me too! I'm glad to see you got in some quality time here -- it looks great!

Mary Marcotte said...

Add me to the list of quilters who have to make a few stitches daily.
Your work is really beginning to take shape. If you're anything like me, give up on "Poor" and make another. You'll find the missing one two days after you've solved the problem. :)

Soma @ said...

I am happy to see that you gave into the craving and stitched some more of this wonderful quilt. It still amazes me that you hand piece these complicated designs.
