Sunday 25 June 2017

Retracing my steps

I am making slow progress with my hand quilting.  A combination of hot weather (gone now) and the usual distractions of family life has meant I've lost that habit of doing a bit every day; my quilting times seem to have been used for other things. That's fine, and I'm probably halfway through this anyway, but I'd like to give it a bit more attention.  However, I think I'm about to take a break from piecing for a week, maybe two, so I'm hopeful that I will be able to catch up a bit.  

Since I last posted, I have gone back and added a bit to the first couple of lighthouses I quilted.  I wasn't quite happy with the light beams - too much unquilted area in the middle of them.  Here's one I haven't tweaked yet...

...and here's one with an extra line down the middle of the beam.

I like this better.


The Cozy Quilter said...

The extra lines of quilting in the light beams are perfect!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think it will be worth the little bit of effort to go back and add the extra lines to the light beams; looks great!

AnnieO said...

Fun project! I like your fabric choices.

Janie said...

Life is a balancing act isn't it?
Your light house quilt is looking attractive and
you're getting the hand quilting worked out,
Good progress, Kaja

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Be still my beating heart . Again

Quiltdivajulie said...

Yes - definitely yes.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Ah yes, those extra quilting lines look great! Do you use a hoop or not?

Sue said...

I'm kind of glad you are not done yet because every time I see the lighthouse quilt, even just a little glimpse, I remember how much I love it.

CathieJ said...

The extra lines look great. I agree that they were needed. This is so pretty.

patty a. said...

I agree with everyone else that likes the extra lines for the light beam. I don't have much family stuff going on right now so I can spend my time stitching. I am going to have to breakdown and do some house work though. It is getting a bit messy even for me. I did clean up the studio a bit and did a few dishes this morning which helped. My hands could use a break too since they are kind of sore from all the stitching on the R.E.M. quilt.

Monica said...

That is a great idea, to quilt across the beams. It feels like they are flashing!

Ruth said...

I think its the summer feeling and also maybe the need to take a rest from time to time that has me slowing down these days. This is still my favourite of yours and I really like the extra stitching in the light beams.

Cathy said...

How clever to quilt in light beams.

Mystic Quilter said...

Just seen this post Kaja - been behind with reading posts. The extra quilting looks good!

Stephie said...

I think this inspired Kaja! The beams are perfect to highlight with stitching rather than fabric (if you see what I mean!). I can't to wait to see this one in its entirety...who will get the pleasure of the finished quilt? Kiddies?!?! No Superman, so probably not, haha! xx