Saturday, 12 March 2016

Saturday photos #56

Lacking the energy/imagination this week, so I just went back into the garden...


Sue said...

You must have a lovely yard, and you know just how to look at it! Glad you are on the mend.

Mary Marcotte said...

I hope you start feeling better very soon. At least you do feel well enough to go out and enjoy your beautiful flowers. These photos are fabulous!

Mystic Quilter said...

Happy to see you're out and about taking these pics of your garden, lovely. Hope you're gradually feeling better day by day.

Julie said...

Oh, spring is nearly at our door with all the glory it beholds! I truly cannot wait!

Soma @ said...

This one is a lovely collage, Kaja! I was mesmerized by it. Keep on feeling better.


Shelina said...

These are gorgeous photos and a great collage. I really like the composition - you make the humble daffodil look so lovely and intriguing. Beautiful colors.